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God. The Bible. Jesus. The Holy Spirit. Healing


We Believe in one God, Creator of all things, who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

John 1:1-3,14, Matthew 28:19, 1 John 5:7

The Bible

We Believe the entire Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God, the only authority upon which we base our faith, doctrine and conduct.

2 Timothy 3:15, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Peter 1:20-21

Jesus Christ

We Believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the perfect union of God and man; He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life and died on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of all people; He arose from the dead and is presently seated at the right hand of the Father, the only Mediator between God and men.

Philippians 2:6, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Timothy 2:5-6


We Believe Salvation is a gift from God to man made possible only through faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ, apart from works, received by repenting of sin and calling on the name of the Lord.

Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 Peter 1:19, Romans 6:23, 10:9-10


We Believe sin is a transgression of God’s laws, disobedience to God’s commands. Man’s sin resulted in spiritual death – separation from God. Now, only through regeneration (being born again) by the Holy Spirit can man be saved, receive eternal life, and be restored to fellowship and dominion.

1 John 3:4, Romans 5:12,19, John 3:3,16

The Holy Spirit

We Believe the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is promised to all believers, subsequent to salvation, a gift empowering them for service and to be witnesses for Christ, with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues (unknown languages) as the Holy Spirit gives the utterance, given to those who ask the Father.

John 7: 38-39; Acts 1:8; 2:4; Luke 11:13

The Church

We Believe the Church (universally) is composed of all born-again believers, united in Jesus Christ, who is the Head of His Body, who provided gifted leadership to equip and govern local churches, and who, through the Holy Spirit, distributed gifts to each member for the

purpose of edifying the Body of Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 4:11-12,16

Water Baptism and Communion

We Believe Water Baptism and Communion symbolize the central theme of Christianity and are ordinances to be observed by the Church, but are not means of Salvation.

Baptism in water by immersion is a direct commandment of our Lord, and is to be followed by believers as a symbol of their identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.

Matthew 28:18; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:4

The elements of Communion symbolize the New Covenant God made with man through Christ’s broken body and shed blood, and are to be received often until Christ’s return in remembrance of His sacrifice.

1 Corinthians 10:16; 11:24-25


We Believe Sanctification is a progressive work of grace resulting in a transformation of character and conduct, a process of spiritual growth to which every believer should be committed; the believer’s part includes renewing the mind, yielding to the Holy Spirit, and obedience to the Word of God.

Romans 12:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5; 5:23


We Believe the finished work of Christ not only provides eternal salvation, but also includes Healing for the physical body and Prosperity for every area of our temporal lives; these benefits of the New Covenant are appropriated through prayer and faith.

Isaiah 53:4-5, 3, John 2, Mark 11:24

Human Life

We Believe all human life is sacred and created by God in His image – spirit, soul and body; that God created man (male and female) to have fellowship with Him, pro-create, love his fellowman and have dominion in the earth. We are therefore called to defend, protect and value all human life, including pre-born babies, the aged, and the physically or mentally challenged from conception to natural death. (Genesis 1:26-28, Psalm 139:13-18, Matthew 22:39)

Genesis 1:26-28, Psalm 139:13-18, Matthew 22:39


We Believe Marriage is a sacred covenant between one man and one woman for life, reflecting Christ’s relationship with His Church, serving as the cornerstone of a stable society and providing the best model for children.

Ephesians 5:31-32, 6:2-3, Hebrews 13:4

We believe God designed Sex exclusively for the marriage relationship; therefore, intimate sexual activity outside of the Biblical marriage covenant (including adultery, fornication, homosexual conduct or bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest and the use of pornography) is prohibited by God for our good, and is immoral and sinful.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11,18; 7:2; Romans 1:26-27

We believe God has wonderfully and immutably created each person with a distinct Gender – male or female, each complimenting the other and together reflecting the image of God; therefore, any attempt to reject or change one’s biological sex is offensive to God and sinful.

Matthew 19:4-5; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Nonetheless, we believe every person should be treated with compassion, love, kindness, respect and dignity, irrespective of repentance or faith, and regardless of how one may “self-identify.” Moreover, we believe God offers mercy, forgiveness and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, and the Holy Spirit gives power to resist temptation and to live overcoming, abundant lives through Jesus Christ.

Titus 3:2-3; I John 1:9; 2 Timothy 2:19,22

Second Coming of Christ

We Believe in the Second Coming of Christ: the return of Christ to gather His own to Heaven – the Rapture of the Church, followed by His visible return with His saints to establish His Kingdom, ruling and reigning as King from the throne of His father David from Jerusalem for one thousand years –the Millennium, followed by a New Heaven and a New Earth.

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Luke 1:32,33; Revelation 20:6; 21:1

The Resurrection

We believe there will be a bodily Resurrection for all people: believers, to an eternal inheritance in Christ’s Kingdom, being rewarded for their works done on earth; the unbelievers, to eternal punishment in the lake of fire and brimstone, a literal place of torment that will last forever, the degree of retribution determined according to their works done on earth. (1 Corinthians 15:52; 2 Corinthians 5:10, Revelation 20:12; 22:12)

1 Corinthians 15:52; 2 Corinthians 5:10, Revelation 20:12; 22:12